
A woofing good time!

Guitar fun

Every day when I’m relaxing mum practices the guitar. She told me that she started playing a year ago tomorrow exactly so I thought I would mark the occasion with some videos of her playing. She says it’s not perfect but she is allowed mistakes since she only started a year ago 🙂

Here is her impression of thugz mansion the acoustic version:

She says that was a really hard one to learn to play because you have to use your little finger to do all the twiddly bits as you are barring throughout the song with your index. Here is her impression of a remix of davey graham’s angi:

While this song doesn’t look that hard to play, I know it is difficult. I have heard mum mess it up so many times when practicing.

Me listening when mum was playing. It really relaxes me!

Mum also documented her playing skills over the past year to track her progress – there is some horrendous footage of her playing in her first week. She titled the video “bob dylan – blowin in the wind” which Dad 2 laughs at because it is actually just her slowly and badly strumming E, A and D chords. Maybe another day if I can sneak it past her I will upload the horrific video so you can laugh at it!

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I don’t really have anything exciting to say today I’m afraid. It has been an average week. Mum left me twice this week to go to work which really annoyed me. The second time, when she came back home I didn’t even bother to greet her, I just stayed in my basket. And she went to view flats for us to move into twice as well, AGAIN leaving me behind. I’m not happy! I just heard her on the phone saying she was going to a friends house tonight and I’m not invited. Well, I tell you what, I won’t be leaving my basket again tonight when she gets home.

To be honest though, I can’t stay mad for long. I know mum only goes to work to get money for us to live on and she’s looking for a flat for us to move to together. And she is allowed to have other friends I suppose. Hm. I’m still feeling irritated though!

Anyway. I’m enjoying the nice weather. We went to a different park today which was huge, and Daunty came along. Daunty is mum’s best friend, I call her that because she’s like a dad and an aunt. She played stick with me and I really enjoyed myself. I also met quite a few dogs today, none as cute as me though 😀

Well I guess that’s all I have to update with today. I’m retreating under the duvet now to sit in a mood. That is all. Hopefully I’ll be in a better mood tomorrow.

Do not disturb.

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Boudica: warrior queen

My name is Boo. But that’s just a cute nickname. My real, full name is Boudica. But who is Boudica? Who am I named after? Today readers, we are going to discover the story behind my name.

mega hottie

Variations of the name

Firstly, there are lots of versions of my name. I don’t mind if you call me any of them really, as long as you give me bum scratches. Boudica (pronounced “Boo-dih-cah”), Boudicca (pronounced “Boh-dee-cah”) and Boadicea (pronounced “Boh-dih-see-ah”). So some people call me Boo, some people call me Bo… pick one you feel comfortable with. I’m just in it for the scratchies.

Oh… and my name means “victorious”. Yup, that’s me – a winner 😀

The original Boudica

Okay, okay, I’m not the only one. There was some cool lady back in the day who pretty much rocked the total socks off everybody. She was a super smart royal lady. Boudica was a tall brunette with beautiful long hair (omg, sounds like mum! 😉 ) She was married to the King of what we now know as Norfolk, and was living around the AD 40’s.

Boudica’s struggles

So Boudica’s husband died. This signalled SERIOUSLY bad news for her and her daughters. The people overhauled the kingdom as it was. Boudica and her daughers were raped and sold as slaves. But hey…. her name means “victorious”…. I’m sensing a comeback!!

Boudica’s uprising

Boudica somehow ended up on the other side of the country. People were restless and pissed off at the ways the land was governed. Boudica was a beautiful, charming and courageous lady, so it was a no-brainer that she be picked to lead the rebel’s revolt.

She used some wacky spiritual stuff to figure out where to go (she released a rabbit from her dress and followed it – bit weird!?) and hark, her army killed a crapload of people wherever it went. Between 70-80,000 people were killed by Boudica’s army. They also completely destroyed the capital of Roman Britain (Colchester), London and St. Albans.

Gory details

Boudica lead her army in the noblest of ways. Nobody was to steal or take prisoners. Instead, women would be impaled after their *ahem* baby drinking devices were sliced off and sewn onto their mouths.

Boudica’s last days

Unfortunately, after the success of the initial attack, the Romans were seriously aggravated. They hauled up all their best men and weaponry and totally killed the bejesus out of everybody. Boudica was gutted to say the least, and poisoned herself.

Okay…so hang on…. she *wasn’t* victorious?! Wtf!! I think I get the point though. This wronged aristocrat said hey, no more treating the regular people like rubbish, I will show you how annoyed you raping my kids and not even letting me stay in the palace made me. And she single-handedly revved up one of the biggest rebel armies in history to avenge and make a damn good point.

So in that, she was victorious. Apparently they call her the warrior queen… Well, you can call me that too now 😉

Just like the face I make when I'm about to catch a stick, it's like looking in a mirror!

Here is a movie you may like to watch to find out more:

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Wendy the whippet and other crazy freaks of nature

Having been researching a bit into my background, I found a very special four year old whippet named Wendy.

Wowsers! She'd eat me for breakfast

You can still see her whippet features – long legs, bat-like ears and thin face. But these are all dwarfed by her body-builder muscles. These are caused by a genetic mutation which provides a deficiency in myostatin, which is necessary to limit muscle tissue growth.

I think Wendy looks like a puma here

Wendy still has the personality traits of a whippet – she is a loving, quiet girl who enjoys cuddles and bum scratches (like me!!). However, she is twice the size of a normal whippet at 4 stone and 4 pounds so this might make lap cuddles tricky. Her heart and lungs are still the same size as a normal whippet. This means that unfortunately, Wendy might not live as long as other whippets are expected to.

And she looks like a bear here! Wendy with a normal sized whippet

For more pictures and information on Wendy, visit this website:

Wendy’s plight fascinated me. But what amazed me further, is that she is not the only one suffering from this rare genetic mutation.

Meet the members of the belgium blue cattle –

Its tail is bigger than me!

Someone's been going overboard on the squats...

These cows have been bred especially in order to harvest more meat. Their myostatin production is so high that their meat is lean – hardly any fat whatsoever. They have been dubbed “monster cows” and some countries have attempted to elminate the breed.

But wait…there’s more. HUMANS can have myostatin deficiency too. Usually, this just results in a more muscled than average person, for example, Richard Sandrak:

Check out the pack dude!

This kid is also known as little Hercules. I dunno. Looks kind of weird to me. But, what happens when somebody with a myostatin deficiency also develops an addiction to steroids when body building……

Urgh. That g-string is hideous.

Wow. Wendy the whippet looked absurd at first, but now she looks… kind of normal and cute. Like me. Heh.



Today we are celebrating grandad’s 59th birthday. It’s the first time I have spent my birthday with him so to make it special, I will be doing a number of things when he arrives home. Firstly, I will bark loudly to signal to the rest of the house that he is home, as I have bat ears which give me the best hearing out of everybody. Secondly, I will run down the stairs faster than a small child would from a clown. This is when I will employ the wag walk as I like to call it. I wag my tail so fast that my bum begins to wiggle rapidly and I am unable to take anything more than tiny little steps.

I will repeat the second process until grandad is close enough for me to start jumping up to his knees and snapping my teeth happily near his hands. Then, I will roll on my back and present my tummy for scratchies which is the best gift I could possibly give. Or maybe it’s the best gift for me…. hang on. I’m not really that good at all this birthday business yet!

Anyway, that’s how I like to make people feel special. I also have sworn that I will not chase the cats today and will be extra cute. I actually made a special present for Grandad that I hope he likes -a voucher with excellent offers. Enjoy your day grandad!

Awesome voucher!



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MUM IS SO SMART. I know she’s doing a Masters degree, but I always thought that had something to do with being a dog master. But then today she was reading and typing for ages and then came out with this! I’m well impressed, have a read of this! Go mum!

“Having read the articles, I think many of the theorists provide useful frameworks for understanding identity. I think an overall blend of a lot of the points explains identity in terms of blogging, for me anyhow. I’ll explain why I think they are useful with reference to my own blog.

Starting with the Buckingham article, the first point that came up was whether identity is a singular or collective thing. I suppose for me and my blog, it is both. Because I am representing myself as my dog as my identity, but then I feel I am also representing myself as a blogger alongside other bloggers – my fellow course members and all of the other bloggers out there, and as a dog owner along with all of the other dog owners/enthusiasts out there.

With regards to Jenkins theory about how identity is a social process, I can apply this to my own blogging in terms of the commenting and feedback I receive. He explains that identity is accomplished through ongoing interactions with other people. So for example, on our first residential when the idea of blogging about my dog came into my head, John said “Why don’t you write the blog in the voice of your dog?”. This feedback allowed me to shape my own blogging identity. Furthermore, as I receive comments and verbal feedback from readers and friends, I get new ideas for what direction to take the blog in and develop my blogging voice further.

This leads on to Goffman’s theory of on-stage and back stage behaviour. I agree that your identity will be different in various situations. However, I don’t quite know which way round to apply this to blogging. Something that we previously discussed was about how you can be more honest with your blogging as you are more anonymous. So that would lead me to say this is your back stage behaviour. But, as you are presenting this blog to the world as who you are, perhaps you want to conform to societal norms and therefore write with on-stage behaviour. I think this can apply differently to each blogger and the type of person/writer they are or want to be.

Giddens talks about being self-reflexive and deciding who you want to be as a project. This definitely applies to me as a blogger as I have created an entire persona for my dog within my blog. Most of the things she says are my own voice, but she has her own opinions which I have created to suit the kind of sassy person I think she would be if she could speak.

I think that, if I were to be blogging as myself, I would have to agree with what Foucault says. I strongly believe that identity is a product of institutionalisation and consumerism. Sometimes I wonder if I am who I think I am, or just what the government wants me to be! So maybe this applies to some bloggers, but not to my own as Boo is very much her own dog. 🙂

This leads to Williams discussion of how technology is socially shaped and socially shaping. Blogging is designed as a social tool but then using it could make your identity what it is. For example, if you look at other blogs, perhaps you want to write in the same way.

Moving onto the Merchant reading, it states that engaging in any internet communication threatens your identity. In the previous reading, Bauman said identity is only an issue when it is threatened. Therefore, with regards to blogging, having our own secure identity is important. But if it is threatened, by surveillance viruses corrupting or stealing files… would we really want to put our identity online? It is a good thing I am not blogging as myself! (However I do have facebook etc so I suppose I haven’t really got around this…) But what I take from this, is that it is important to protect your own identity and not necessarily project your true self on the internet. For this very reason, I haven’t used any pictures of myself or any of my friends. I don’t want a crazy person who thinks Boo is really cute deciding to find me, stalk me and steal my dog!

Finally, Turkle explains that cyberspace allows new ways of performing identity. Well I definitely agree with this one. I have an entirely new identity in the form of my dog and perhaps some of the other people on this module have created somewhat different personas to who they truly are in their blogs.

Having looked at Dooce, it feels like the writer is totally projecting herself as she is, so it looks like the malleable, reflexive identity Giddens describes is present here. But then, is this really her true self? Or just Goffman’s on-stage behaviour? And Brian the pigeon’s blog is brilliant, a fellow animal blogger! I identify the best with this one as whoever has written it has created an entirely fictional persona for a pigeon, as I have with my dog. Although one thing I would say, is that most of what Boo says and thinks is what I think. So perhaps it is a reflection of my own persona. But it’s definitely within the lines of Gidden’s fluid identity.”

Wowsers. I feel like I know myself so much better now.


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Dog breeds info

Today I thought I would fill you in with some info about the two breeds that I believe make up my existence – staff and whippet. I think I mostly look like a small staff, but my face is a lot thinner so I guess that is the whippet in me. Plus I have bat ears!! Guess my parents were involved in some weird stuff…..

Anyway, here is some info…allow your brain to digest with pleasure.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

This is what I imagine my dad looks like

Quick stats:

  • Ease of training: 5/10
  • Intelligence: 5/10
  • Shedding: 5/10
  • Watchdog: 6/10
  • Guard dog: 10/10
  • Popularity: 5/10
  • Size: 2/10
  • Agility: 7/10
  • Good with kids: 10/10

More info:

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a true people-dog. He loves people, all people, especially children.The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, sometimes called “Staffy” for short, is a strong, athletic, agile, and active dog who craves your affection and attention, and if he doesn’t get it, he can suffer from separation anxiety. He absolutely hates being left alone and can become destructive if it happens. He will want to go for rides in your car, cuddle in your lap, and sleep in your bed. This is an energetic breed who needs daily exercise. They make good watchdogs, as they usually only bark for a reason. They will passionately defend their family from harm, but are not particularly protective of property. His intimidating look will deter almost any intruder, so this makes him an excellent guard dog! They do have a high prey drive and will often chase cats and other small animals. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a courageous, affectionate, trusting and trustworthy all-purpose dog. They are curious and have a good sense of humor. They want nothing more than to be your faithful best friend.

Puppy video:

Wow, so I’m not the only one who enjoys cuddles so much… I wondered where I got that from! Plus staffies never usually bark.. me either! And I definitely identify with the cat chasing 😉


Maybe my birth mum looks like this?

Quick stats:

  • Ease of training: 5/10
  • Intelligence: 5/10
  • Shedding: 3/10
  • Watchdog: 3/10
  • Guard dog: 2/10
  • Popularity: 6/10
  • Size: 5/10
  • Agility: 10/10
  • Good with kids: 10/10

More info:

This sleek and speedy sight hound makes an excellent family pet. They are gentle, affectionate, friendly, and easygoing. They love to curl up beside you on the couch and sleep with you in your bed, under the covers. They are people-dogs and want to be with their family. If you go to the store, expect an exuberant welcome home ten minutes later. Whippets need regular exercise, and they like to run. It is important to keep them safe on lead or in a fenced-in area as they are fast and impossible to catch and they can see for miles. They will chase anything that moves: cats, squirrels, plastic bags. They are trusting and unsuspicious by nature, and they may or may not bark at a burglar. In general, they are a very quiet breed. They are highly intelligent and trainable and have excelled in obedience, flyball, agility, rally, lure coursing, and straight racing — basically anything you ask him to do, he’ll do, as they are eager to please. They are lively and alert, but not high-strung. They are easy to housebreak and will usually follow you to the bathroom to make sure you’ve got it mastered too. They are funny, clever, playful, sensitive and always in love with their families. They need human companionship and do not do well if left alone. They truly want to be by your side at all times, unless of course, they are leaving you to chase a Frisbee, or a ball, or a cat.

Puppy video:

Oh wow, so whippets don’t like to bark either… guess that’s why I’m super quiet! Plus they love cuddles too. I don’t really agree with the being fast bit though… I really try when I’m chasing the stick, but my little legs won’t make me that speedy!

Also, I look NOTHING like a whippet! Can I really be related?!

Well, I hope this was informative for you. Maybe if you are thinking of getting a puppy this can be of use. However, I think you should just get a staffie whippet cross like me 😀 Or maybe you might want one of my pups soon…!

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Happy Valentines Day!

Woof! I like valentines day. Everybody keeps telling me they love me and giving me extra special bum scratches!! It’s brilliant. I hope you all had a great day whether you have a special dog in your life to give bum scratches to or not. Look at this valentines cupcake!


Also, I think I got involved with some other valentines day traditions today as well. I heard mum saying something about flowers, and when I was at the field I ate a couple of flowers. Does that make me romantic?

Mum also said something about kissing, so I licked her face…. I think that is what you are supposed to do?!

Anyway, I’m hoping to meet some more new friends soon, so keep checking back to enjoy more cuteness 🙂

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This week

I have had a so so week this week. It started off well, when I met Marley <3, but then things kind of took a turn for the worse. I told you I wasn’t mad keen on the snow, but when it became more icy, it REALLY hurt my feet. Mum kept trying to make me play fetch, but it was so painful. Mum didn’t realise this until we got home, but my feet were covered in blood 😦 And then the next day, we didn’t even play fetch and my feet bled again. I just can’t stand that icy snow.

However, mum did buy me some neat new shoes:

Jimmy who

Anyway, after that suckyness, Dad 2 came over which I really enjoyed. Mum had to go to work for one day so he looked after me all day and took me for a nice walk. He also strung Mum’s new electric guitar with neon pink strings, check it out!!!

she'l be jimi in no time

Mum and dad 2 have been making some sweet sounds from that bad boy. She even has a mini orange crush amp. In other news, me and Gizmo are really good friends now. I guess she’s not just my friend, she’s my sister, and I’m beginning to care about her.



Marley <3

Guess what readers? I have a boyfriend! He’s gorgeous, and he’s called Marley. I met him on Friday… and I am totally smitten! He’s a little younger than me. Okay, okay, he’s a LOT younger than me. He’s still a puppy really. But he’s bigger than me and *swoon* he seems like he can protect me well. We cuddled all night long 😉 Check us out together:

best. cuddle. ever!

So that’s my new toyboy. And it’s got me into thinking, maybe I’ll be ready to have my own puppies soon? Anyway, now enjoy a cute video of us playing together.

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