
A woofing good time!

A great workout

We just got back from a great walk. I’ve been working really hard lately to build my muscles back up from when I was poorly a few months ago. I think it’s really starting to show! When we go for our usual walks, we do a 5 minute warm up (the walk to the field), 10 minutes of cardio which includes jumping up really high and running fast for the stick, then a quick 5 minute break for me to investigate the other dogs while mum gets her breath back, another 10 minutes of cardio then the walk home is my cool down.

We do this most days, but sometimes we go to the field near mum’s best friends house (my aunt – more on her later!), where we see lots of dogs and sometimes boys playing football. About twice a week we go to the big park with the lakes and sometimes we go to new places. On Wednesday we went to my aunt’s, and we met lots of big dogs. One giant staffie looked like he wanted me, but I showed him who’s boss; he ran away terrified! Then there was a big group of large dogs who looked like they wanted to play but I was more interested in the stick. That day was a great walk too.

Anyway, it’s been about 10 minutes since we got back and I’m STILL panting!! Check out the lizard tongue! Here’s me right now:

See you soon readers, I’m off to my basket for a nap 🙂

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