
A woofing good time!

Moving house

Sorry I haven’t been around as much lately readers. Mum’s been organising a change of living place for us! Tomorrow we are moving to a new flat from this house. It is quite scary for me but I am super excited. Unfortunately we won’t have the internet for a while so I won’t be posting… but stay tuned and I’ll be back as soon as I can. :o)

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Today I’m going to tell you all about my big sister, Gizmo. As you may have gathered, over the past 3 months I’ve gotten to know her quite well. At first, I HATED her with a passion! Mum always gave her scratchies and I would get really jealous. I attacked her a couple of times, but I got a swift tap to the nose from mum and didn’t try any funny business again. I respect Gizmo’s space now. In fact, we get on pretty well. She sleeps on the bed with us sometimes and I actually look up to her… I heard her purring loudly and sometimes I try to copy the noise, using a light growl. Also, she jumps up the side of the sofa – she’s really agile – and when I see her do it, I copy! (and usually fall down as I am NOT agile…)

Aww... for me?

Now, about Gizmo’s life… she is 13 years old, and turning 14 on the 9th of May. She is considered old for a cat, but she is very young for her age. She runs as fast as the wind and still brings home rats, frogs and birds that she kills on occasion (ew).

Gizmo relaxes in the grass

Mum got her when she was a kitten from a farm… like me!! Mum said that there were peacocks, chickens, dogs and other cats on this farm. Gizmo settled in just fine here when she first came home. She was super playful and the loudest purrer of any cat mum had ever heard.

Gizmo playing as a kitten

It was uncle Dan’s choice to name her Gizmo. Cute… but not exactly original! She was a bit of a moody cat as she grew older, and didn’t spend much time around mum. In fact, mum didn’t see much of her at all! But eventually, 5 years ago mum got Rascal, and miraculously Gizmo’s personality changed. She became a very sweet and loving cat, anxious to spend as much time with mum as possible. She slept on mum’s bed every night until I came along!

It's a good life

Gizmo is a very feisty girl, and will scratch or bite you if she feels the need. Her claws are very sharp, I’ve been on the receiving end of them a few times. Sometimes you will find her up a tree, sometimes sleeping on mum’s car. She likes to change things up a lot.

I have to admit, she is pretty cute

Now, after a rocky start with me, Gizmo is happy and settled. I really like her now, she’s my best friend after mum.

And that’s pretty much everything I know about Gizmo 🙂

P.S. Happy mother’s day mum! And especially to mum’s mum, my grandma, who I never got to meet. It was her birthday on the 18th March so happy birthday and happy mother’s day to her, and I wish I could have met her. She sounds great.

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I’m in trouble :(

I spent most of the morning in my basket today. I was really naughty. I had finished chewing up all of my toys (my bones, tennis balls and rope) so I took mum’s socks and knickers and made a start on them. She was SO angry! I ruined quite a lot of stuff 😦 I didn’t mean to, I just got really excited and like chewing. You see, mum lets me put her things in my basket to keep me company when she goes out, so I just didn’t think twice about chewing them as well when I had run out of toys.

Me after I'd finished destroying my soft bone toy

Silly I know. Mum says I am in disgrace. Anyway, after a few hours mum let me out of the basket and gave me a cuddle. We went on a walk to the pet shop to buy a new toy for me so I don’t do it again. The lady in the pet shop said I was beautiful! I like her. She also told mum that it’s probably because I’m about to come onto heat that I’ve been so naughty.

Anyway, I got a really cool purple squeaky toy and I just trialled it out in the garden – it’s brilliant! Mum got me to hold onto one end with my teeth and then she swung me around in the air, I loved it!

My new purple squeaky toy 🙂

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Fun weekend walkies

I had a really fun weekend. On Saturday, I went to the park with mum, uncle Dan and Auntie Skye. I met loads of dogs, it was brilliant! Following on from my last post about odd looking dogs, I met two rather strange dogs at the park…

It is just a ball of fluff with a tongue, nothing more!

It had a brother or sister too, and they were such funny dogs… they wouldn’t listen to their owner and waddled around aimlessly. Very cute though. There was a whole range of fluffy dogs that day too, in the end they had a little party in front of the lake! I felt a bit left out as I’m not fluffy but I tried to join in a little bit, I ran around the back!:

Not sure what fluffball #1 is doing there... :/

It all looked a bit weird though, too much fluff and not enough playing. So in the end, the biggest fluffball and me played chase with my stick which was great fun.

It's MY stick!!

On Sunday we went to see Daunty and went on a walk around the football field with her. I met a GIANT fluffball that day but unfortunately mum forgot to take a photo. Anyway, it just goes to show, you can meet dogs of all shapes, sizes and weirdness when you are out and about!


The weird and wonderful… or just weird

When I go for walkies each day, I see a wide variety of different dogs. All shapes and sizes, boys, girls, all ages. Usually they look like the kind of dogs I might like to hang out with or chase a stick with. But sometimes they are just so weird looking!

The usual kinds of dogs we see are staffies, collies, spaniels, terriers and mixed breed. But sometimes…… :O

Pantene advert fodder

What IS that I hear you cry?! Why, it’s an afghan hound! It looks ridiculous I know. More hair than my mum, sister and brother combined. I know mum would feel like a right idiot walking that oddity around.

but... it....huh?!

This little darling is a xoloitzcuintli. It is hairless and um… kinda looks like a zebra. I have never seen one of these on walkies before but I would sure like to!

reminds me of dougal from the magic roundabout. not that im old enough to have seen that. but you know, i must have heard it around or something.... :/

I don’t understand how this dog sees. I mean, it’s clearly a very cool dog with its dreads and all, but what if you are jumping for a stick? Well……

Oh! Cute!

Right… I see! Or rather, it sees! The dreads fly out of the way, enabling it to see the stick clearly. I’m not saying I want dreads, but I guess it’s not as impractical as I thought. This breed is called a puli, by the way. It’s like a flying bubble! There are also loads of other cute flying bubble pictures of puli’s if you google search… I would love to post them all but I don’t want to bore you 🙂

I have no words.

What the mother F?! It looks like a sheep! And what on earth has this dogs owner done to its ears….It’s like some kind of slipper boot with pom poms. Hm, maybe mum would like that for christmas… Oh, anyway, this is a bedlington terrier. Very odd.

Somebody get this poor dog a brush!! Stat!

This bergamasco is a very knotted dog. Its fur has completely matted itself into weird clumps. I can’t imagine stroking this dog is very soft… and it probably smells a bit too… Hmm… maybe clippers for it’s birthday?


Okay, this dog has CLEARLY been skipping it’s botox sessions. I think it has gone too far, definitely time for a face lift…. This neopolitan mastiff is only 7 years old…. This is just how “quirky” they actually look! Yikes!

Um... maybe it's time for a face lift/tummy tuck/foot tuck/tail tuck?!

This little shar pei seems to be suffering from the same saggy skin issue as the neopolitan mastiff. It is kind of cute though I guess.. in a really wrinkly way.

Wow…. so…. there really is a whole ton of different dogs out there. I wonder where they all are? I suddenely feel really cute, like I’m the winner of America’s Next Top Doggie or something…

Me and gizmo mulling it all over.


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The Clash

Okay, so…so far on this journey of getting to know myself/you getting to know me, we have learned about my family, friends, breeds, name background and a bit of other crap too. Now we are going to learn about the clash!

Mum was told I came from the drummer of the clash. Now, whether or not this is true, I DON’T KNOW, but it sounds feasible… and mum was assured it was the case! I personally cannot remember that far back. I was only a small puppy (Let’s all just pause for a moment to think about just how cute I would have been as a puppy… aww… so cute…).

Anyway. Who are the clash? Let’s learn! 🙂

They were a punk rock band which formed in 1976. Okay, so I figure the guy I came from is a bit older than mum. They had quite a few different members. Originally, they were formed of Joe Strummer on lead vocals an rhythm guitar, Mick Jones on lead guitar and vocals, Paul Simonon on bass and vocals and Nicky “Topper” Heddon on drums. Ah! That’s the guy! I feel a strange affinity with that name…. Topper…. yes, it’s all coming back to me!

Here is a song that may sound a bit familiar…

Now, apparently their members chopped and changed a lot over the years… it seems as if maybe this lot were a bit troubled or just couldn’t really get along. Their lyrics were about things like politics (slating it I guess) and naughty things. This lot were totally rebellious, a really cool bunch with a lot of attitude.

As it goes, they are pretty darn famous. They got titled “the only band that matters” and they have appeared in Rolling Stone magazine as the number 28 of the 100 greatest bands of all time. WOW! I’m proud of my first dad!! The other band that was big at the time was the sex pistols… the clash gave them a run for their money and totally rocked out.

This one has a major ska punk sound goin on..

Topper was one awesome drummer. He was dubbed “the human drum machine” as he could drum so fast and in time. That’s amazing… I wonder if he ever drummed in front of me and my brothers and sisters! (Note: I wonder if I have any brothers and sisters?!)

Unfortunately, Joe Strummer died 10 years ago 😦 I feel sorry for my old dad. That sucks. My old dad is still around though (obviously) and I guess he lives on a farm. That is where I got told I came from.

Their name came from the fact that in the 70’s, all of the headlines in the newspapers kept referring to things as a clash, storm or fury…They had another name, the 101’ers, but the clash was the favourite tabloid word so it seemed apt as they hoped they would be hitting the headlines. I definitely prefer the clash to the 101’ers :/

One last fact…. they had an album called “Cut the crap”. Apparently it was so rubbish that it has been removed from most discographies. It was also their final album… or you could say, the final nail in the coffin. But hey, I like that name!

This is the clash as they were in the 70’s in all their glory:

I'm gonna be honest. It looks more Julian Clary-esque than bad ass!

So… we have learned an awful lot. The clash were a damn cool band who rebelled against the norms and are still celebrated today as being absolutely awesome. Who hasn’t heard of the clash?! I am proud to be from such a cool guys farm.




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I can’t stand the rain against my window

Just when I thought summer was finally coming around the corner. The sun was out, people were wearing shorts and flipflops, I was cavorting around the fields like a dog on heat (which I think I nearly am, argh!). And then this….this..rain! It’s disgusting!

We just tried to go out for a walk and it was raining so bad we both got soaked, mum’s umbrella died (second dead umbrella this year) and we hated it so much we went home.

Now I am sitting on the bed and I’m seriously irritated. It’s the weekend; I just wanted to have fun and now I’m stuck indoors all day. Mum just really badly teased me too, look at this:

"I hate the rain. I'm going back to sleep."

"Wait, what the sun's out?!"


"You are so cruel. I knew the sun wasn't out. I'm staying in the position forever now 😦 "

Now I’m going to listen to this song on repeat until the rain goes away…. I really relate to it.


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