
A woofing good time!

The weird and wonderful… or just weird

When I go for walkies each day, I see a wide variety of different dogs. All shapes and sizes, boys, girls, all ages. Usually they look like the kind of dogs I might like to hang out with or chase a stick with. But sometimes they are just so weird looking!

The usual kinds of dogs we see are staffies, collies, spaniels, terriers and mixed breed. But sometimes…… :O

Pantene advert fodder

What IS that I hear you cry?! Why, it’s an afghan hound! It looks ridiculous I know. More hair than my mum, sister and brother combined. I know mum would feel like a right idiot walking that oddity around.

but... it....huh?!

This little darling is a xoloitzcuintli. It is hairless and um… kinda looks like a zebra. I have never seen one of these on walkies before but I would sure like to!

reminds me of dougal from the magic roundabout. not that im old enough to have seen that. but you know, i must have heard it around or something.... :/

I don’t understand how this dog sees. I mean, it’s clearly a very cool dog with its dreads and all, but what if you are jumping for a stick? Well……

Oh! Cute!

Right… I see! Or rather, it sees! The dreads fly out of the way, enabling it to see the stick clearly. I’m not saying I want dreads, but I guess it’s not as impractical as I thought. This breed is called a puli, by the way. It’s like a flying bubble! There are also loads of other cute flying bubble pictures of puli’s if you google search… I would love to post them all but I don’t want to bore you 🙂

I have no words.

What the mother F?! It looks like a sheep! And what on earth has this dogs owner done to its ears….It’s like some kind of slipper boot with pom poms. Hm, maybe mum would like that for christmas… Oh, anyway, this is a bedlington terrier. Very odd.

Somebody get this poor dog a brush!! Stat!

This bergamasco is a very knotted dog. Its fur has completely matted itself into weird clumps. I can’t imagine stroking this dog is very soft… and it probably smells a bit too… Hmm… maybe clippers for it’s birthday?


Okay, this dog has CLEARLY been skipping it’s botox sessions. I think it has gone too far, definitely time for a face lift…. This neopolitan mastiff is only 7 years old…. This is just how “quirky” they actually look! Yikes!

Um... maybe it's time for a face lift/tummy tuck/foot tuck/tail tuck?!

This little shar pei seems to be suffering from the same saggy skin issue as the neopolitan mastiff. It is kind of cute though I guess.. in a really wrinkly way.

Wow…. so…. there really is a whole ton of different dogs out there. I wonder where they all are? I suddenely feel really cute, like I’m the winner of America’s Next Top Doggie or something…

Me and gizmo mulling it all over.


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A great workout

We just got back from a great walk. I’ve been working really hard lately to build my muscles back up from when I was poorly a few months ago. I think it’s really starting to show! When we go for our usual walks, we do a 5 minute warm up (the walk to the field), 10 minutes of cardio which includes jumping up really high and running fast for the stick, then a quick 5 minute break for me to investigate the other dogs while mum gets her breath back, another 10 minutes of cardio then the walk home is my cool down.

We do this most days, but sometimes we go to the field near mum’s best friends house (my aunt – more on her later!), where we see lots of dogs and sometimes boys playing football. About twice a week we go to the big park with the lakes and sometimes we go to new places. On Wednesday we went to my aunt’s, and we met lots of big dogs. One giant staffie looked like he wanted me, but I showed him who’s boss; he ran away terrified! Then there was a big group of large dogs who looked like they wanted to play but I was more interested in the stick. That day was a great walk too.

Anyway, it’s been about 10 minutes since we got back and I’m STILL panting!! Check out the lizard tongue! Here’s me right now:

See you soon readers, I’m off to my basket for a nap 🙂

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Welcome to my world!

Hi! My name is Boo and I am a black and white staffie whippet cross. I have just started a new life in my forever home (a name used by rescue shelters to describe a second/third/etc permanent home) so I decided to share all the new experiences I have.

I have a bit of a mysterious background, and a somewhat celebrity one. Originally, I was born on the farm of the original drummer from The Clash. I’m not sure of exactly what happened next because I don’t have a very good memory. What I do know is that after this, I got a new mum, and she took me around for a bit until she gave me to my second dad because she was a bit poorly. Eventually, my dad decided he couldn’t keep me anymore, so I ended up with my FOURTH owner, and definitely best, my new mum, Sarah.

Let me tell you a bit more about my life. My old dad doesn’t know exactly when I was born, but he thinks I might be 2 or 3 years old. Unfortunately, a few months ago I had a seizure and I swallowed my tongue. My old dad thinks that maybe it was epilepsy, but mum says that it might be a hereditary staffie disease. The vet still isn’t sure 😦 I hope I never have one again, it was really frightening!

Since I moved to my forever home, I have had a few obstacles to overcome. I’m used to being an only child, but now I have a brother and sister! They are these weird little creatures – mum says they are called cats – and they are HORRIBLE! They make these strange hissing noises and sometimes jab their paws at me and scratch! I certainly don’t like them at all.

Although, at least Rascal, the ragdoll cat, has something in common with me. He is a bit of a celebrity too! His twin brother, Socks, is one of the Blue Peter cats.  I would never tell Rascal this, but I think he is the looker of the pair 😉 And I suppose, it’s not all bad; my sister Gizmo is starting to grow on me a bit. Sometimes she climbs up on the bed with me and mum when we are sleeping. I guess she might be okay.

Anyway, I need to go for my walkies now to catch some squirrels (more on this later!) so I will update soon. *arf*

P.S. Please take part in my poll. I just can’t decide myself!