
A woofing good time!


Oh hai! I am back 🙂 I have sooooo much to tell you. As you know, I was moving house. Me, mum and daunty have now moved all of our stuff into our new flat. I LOVE it!! Daunty is so much fun. Mum calls her faunty sometimes because she is the fun aunt. And she finds it really funny because it kind of sounds like fart. Mum can be really immature sometimes…..!

Anyway, the new flat is brilliant. It really big and it has all sorts of new smells for me to check out. At the moment it’s quite cold in there because mum and daunty don’t want to pay for heating. I can’t wait for summer! The best part about the flat is that it is a minutes walk away from a giant field. I have met so many new dogs and I am absolutely loving it.

Me sniffing out the new park

I had an AMAZING treat this weekend. Marley came for a sleepover!!! We get on so well, I have really found my soulmate. Everywhere I go, he goes too. Everywhere he goes, I go too. We snuggled up together in my basket too, and at one point we both gave mum a really nice cuddle together. I really miss him 😦

Me and marleybone :*

Another update I have for you is not so great. I came into heat today 😦 Mum put me in the bath immediately and then put these horrible things on me…. she calls them knickers. They are really uncomfortable and I want them off. I am shaking with indignity right now 😦


OH! I totally forgot to mention, I had a visit back to Bournemouth where I used to live! It was so fun. I saw dad 2 and we went to the beach. It wasn’t the main beach near the town centre, but we caught a ferry from Sandbanks over to Studland and went to a more secluded beach. I splashed about in the sea and had a little swim. I really enjoyed myself and I can’t wait to visit again.

Anyway… I’m not at our new home right now, me and mum came home for a visit to see grandad so I am really worn out from all the excitement and I need to go to bed. Hopefully these stupid knickers will fall off in my sleep or something  >:|


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